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What They're Saying

Chris Coffey & the cast of Forever Plaid at The Majestic Theater

Forever Plaid at the Majestic Theater (MA)

Photo by Kait Rankins

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Angels In America at Redhouse Arts Center

Chris Coffey in Godspell at Redhouse Arts Center

"Chris Coffey has some very funny moments as an over-caffeinated, enthusiastic Czech performer named Svec, who takes his turn on guitar, mandolin, [bass], drum set and percussion and at one point channels his inner rock god." 
- Rich Fahey, On Boston Stages (Once @ SpeakEasy Stage Co.)

"...great one-on-one scene work as exemplified by the heated head-to-head discussion between Miquon Jackson’s Belize and Coffey’s Ironson, wherein, over coffee, they plumb the depths of racial and gender issues, runs throughout the piece between other characters, as well. In fact, to me, the whole of the play comes across as a well-directed and acted collection of scenes, worthy of a master class in acting..."
- Tony Curulla, (Angels In America @ Redhouse Arts Center)

 ", under the leadership of music director Chris Coffey has been reproduced to match the lyrical soundscape of the times. All of the it - vital, positioned, courtly and impactive - is performed live on stage by actor-musicians whose baroque stylization and musicality is beautifully ornamented, acquainted and lovingly emotive while complementing the Shakespeare tale at hand and its story arc progression."
- Jim Ruocco, CT Critic's Circle (Shakespeare In Love @ Connecticut Repertory Theatre)

Godspell at Redhouse Arts Center

Photo by Mac Honea

"Mr. Coffey uses his innate artistic talent and passion for the arts to help underserved members of the community, and his extensive knowledge base to create a place for the arts in the cities he lives in.
He has a strong passion and affinity for this kind of work, and individuals of all ages and backgrounds will benefit from working with him."
-Marguerite Mitchell, Redhouse Arts Center

Here's What's New!

(not as new but still exciting)

We've been busy, folks!

It's June 1 (Happy Pride!) and we've just opened Million Dollar Quartet at Surflight Theatre down the Jersey Shore where I'm playing Fluke and music directing!

I also just closed a completely sold-out run of Buddy Holly as Jerry Allison and the Buddy understudy down at The Wick Theatre in Boca Raton, Florida to rave reviews! Hopefully we'll have some more exciting news about that production somewhere down the road.

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